Tuesday, August 7, 2012


BANDING OSPREY from Matthew Clysdale on Vimeo.


It's been a criminally long time since my last post, and I apologize for the delay. Once again though, it's because I've been posting regularly on our Facebook page for the Osprey in a more play-by-play manner. That's one of the reasons it's been challenging to step back and assess the big picture.

With the nest-cam failing and the young (spoiler alert!) now fledged, I think this is a good time to give the broad strokes of this years brood and their successful rearing by our beloved Osprey parents. To illustrate that sweep are highlight photos from the nest-cam, many of which never came through on my cell-phone when the nest-cam was installed on the platform. Opening those files on the SD card from the camera is always like Christmas. Hunters know the thrill when they check the digital cards on their trail-cams. You never know what you're going to get.

Here's a photo history of the young from the laying of the third and last egg, all the way through to the ladder (and last chick) from when we banded the young. At the time of the banding, the cellular function of the camera had failed and we decided to take the nest-cam down for repair or return. We've since had to rely on a team of photographers on the ground to document the fledging young and the antics of their beginning flight and fishing practice.

From egg to banding. Enjoy!